Peer-Reviewed publications
- Clinton, M., Chadwick, C., …TBD., Ferguson, J. D. Use of clinical biomarkers for Ichthyophonus infection in Chinook (king) salmon; Initial findings towards potential non-lethal health surveillance in imperilled Yukon River fish (In preparation).
- Clinton, M., Barst, B. Beyond mortality events: Impacts of algal (phytoplankton) blooms on disease resistance and long-term health of fish in a changing climate. Fish & Fisheries (In preparation).
- Clinton, M., Wyness, A.J., Martin, S. A. M., Brierly, A. S., Ferrier, D. E . K. Association of microbial community structure with gill disease in marine-stage farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar); a yearlong study (2024). BMC Veterinary Research, 20(340)
- Clinton, M., Martin, Ferrier, D. E. K., Martin, S. A. M., Brierley, A. S. Impacts of jellyfish on marine cage aquaculture: An overview of existing knowledge and the challenges to finfish health (2021). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 1(fsaa254)
- Cano, I., Worswick, J., Mulhearn, B., Green, M., Feist, S., Clinton, M., (2021). Cranial maxillary fibrosis syndrome in adult farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Pathogens, 10(5), 542
- Clinton, M., Wyness, A.J., Martin, S.A.M. et al. (2021). Sampling the fish gill microbiome: a comparison of tissue biopsies and swabs. BMC Microbiology, 21, 313.
- Clinton, M., Król, E., Sepúlveda D., Andersen, N. R., Brierley, A. S., Ferrier, D. E. K., Hansen, P. J., Lorenzen, N., Martin, S. A. M., (2021). Gill Transcriptomic Responses to Toxin-producing Alga Prymnesium parvum in Rainbow Trout. Frontiers in Immunology, 12.
- Clinton, M., Kintner, A. H., Delannoy, C. M. J., Brierley, A. S., Ferrier, D. E. K., (2020). Molecular identification of potential aquaculture pathogens adherent to cnidarian zooplankton. Aquaculture, 518(734801).
Book Chapters
- Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine 1st Edition (Chapter 4: Pathology of aquatic animal disease, Baumgartner, W. et al) Editors: Urdes, L., Walster, C., Tepper, J. Wiley-Blackwell (2021). 978-1119612704
- Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases for Practitioners 1st Edition (Chapter Aquatic Invertebrates, Warren, A. et al). Editors: Urdes, L., Walster, C., Tepper, J. Wiley-Blackwell (2021). 978-1-119-83971-2
- Parasite Invasions (Chapter 6: Food security in the face of parasite invasion. Wood, L. & Clinton, M. et al). Editor: Bojko, J. CABI publishing (in press).
Select Recent workshop and conference presentations
- Presentation at Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Science Symposium “Non-lethal assessment of Pacific salmon health”, Sitka AK, April 2024.
- Presentation at Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society (AK AFS) “Biomarkers of cardiac health in Yukon Chinook salmon”, Seward AK, March 2024.
- Presentation at Yukon River drainage Joint Technical Committee (JTC) “Preliminary results from 2022 Chinook salmon health assessments”, Fairbanks AK, November 2023
- Presentation at annual Alaska ACE-CH Initiative “Healthy fish, healthy people”, Anchorage AK, July 2023.
- Presentation and workshop with USFWS and ADF&G fisheries field crews “Blood sampling from salmonids; how-to and best practices for sample preservation” + "Fish pathology sampling", Fairbanks AK, June 2023 + 2024.
- Presentation for Marine Biology weekly seminar series “Understanding compounding environmental stressors & infectious challenges in negative fish health outcomes”, Remote, April 2023.
- Poster at Toolik Research Station All Hands Meeting “Emerging Diseases in Arctic Fish”, Santa Barbara CA, January 2023.
- Presentation, University of Alaska Fairbanks One Health Seminar Series “Toxic Algae in Freshwater Environments; Impacts on fish health”, Remote, April 2021.